Amphetamines are a large group of synthetically obtained psychoactive substances. By chemical composition, they are similar to adrenaline, but unlike it they pass the blood-brain barrier, creating addiction.
They are recognized as white crystalline powder, although they are rarely found in pure form on the market. They are usually mixed with caffeine, aspirin, sugar and even flour. They are available as powders, tablets, capsules of various shapes, sizes and colors, but also as ampoule solutions. They are known as “speed”, “fast”, “up”, “uppers”, “louee”, “whiz”.
As synthetic drugs have been in increasingly used in recent years, amphetamines have been slowly suppressing natural narcotics. Their popularity is also confirmed by statistics. Namely, about 34 million people have tried amphetamines at least once in their lives, which is more than cocaine and heroin combined. Their widespread is accompanied by a large market. More specifically, over 400 tonnes of this substance are illegally produced annually.
Given the gravity of the situation in the world, private hospital for the treatment of addiction Dr Vorobiev introduces you to the consequences of using amphetamine.
Amphetamines were discovered in the 19th century
Amphetamine was discovered by Lazăr Edeleanu. This Romanian chemist performed the first synthesis in 1887 in Germany, calling the substance obtained phenylisopropylamine.
However, their effect remained unknown until 1927, when Gordon Alles performed a new synthesis that showed a sympathomimetic property. Six years later, amphetamines were introduced into medicine, thanks to Smith, Kline, and French. They were marketed under the name “Benzedrine,” as a cold and sneezing inhaler, as well as asthma medicine.
Very quickly they began to be used in the treatment of various conditions, including narcolepsy, obesity, low blood pressure, low libido and chronic pain. They have shown a positive effect in hyperactive children, and for many years have been the main therapy for maintaining concentration.
During World War II, amphetamines were regularly given to British, German and Japanese soldiers to enhance strength and endurance, and were used by leaders such as Hitler and Churchill. Use for military purposes continued during the Vietnam and Korean War.
In the 1970s, the true effects of amphetamine were discovered, so governments around the world began to rigorously control the use of the then medicine. Unfortunately, use has not decreased since illegal production began to flourish.
How do amphetamines work?
Amphetamines are usually administered orally and by sniffing, less frequently by smoking and intravenously. The effect begins 15 to 30 minutes after taking and lasts between 4 and 6 hours.
Just like cocaine, this psychoactive substance too leads to initial euphoria, good mood and sharpening of senses. There is a rush of strength, making any physical exertion easier, and there is also noticeable sexual hyperactivity.
Over time, as the dose increases, the effects increase and the person becomes more aroused, talkative and develops a false sense of superiority. It is not excluded that this behavior leads to aggression.
What are the consequences of using amphetamine?
Over time, amphetamines develop tolerance, so increasing amount is needed to feel initial satisfaction.
Long-term consumption leads to dangerous weight loss and malnutrition. Then there are sleep disorders and mood swings. Loss of muscle control causes muscle spasms and tics, while cardiovascular problems and hypertension increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. These symptoms are accompanied by depression and anxiety.
Amphetamines have a strong effect on the central nervous system. They have been shown to lead to premature death of a large number of brain cells, resulting in a decrease in concentration and cognitive function. Development of amphetamine psychosis is especially dangerous. It is a mental disorder similar to paranoid schizophrenia. It is manifested through visual, auditory or tactile hallucinations and paranoia, and violent behavior is not rare either.
Amphetamine addiction requires hospital treatment. Dr Vorobiev clinic applies modern methods of treating addiction. They begin with a detailed diagnosis of the patient’s mental and physical condition, as well as the degree of addiction. Only after a thorough evaluation, the best program is prescribed to include completely painless detoxification and quick and maximum effective treatment of mental addiction, so that patients return to daily life in the short term without the risk of relapse. Post-treatment support provides an additional guarantee of maintaining the results achieved.
By applying the latest, unique treatments and commitment of world-renowned physicians and psychotherapists at Dr Vorobiev clinic, every addiction can be overcome.