Procedures For Medical Psychiatric Therapy

Thanks to medical psychotherapy procedures, it is possible to build a healthier personality of a former addict. Medical psychotherapy procedures are an essential step in treating addictions, and at the same time, this kind of therapy gives excellent results and is something that distinguishes Dr Vorobjev clinic from other world clinics.

Thanks to medical psychotherapy procedures, it is possible to build a healthier personality of a former addict. Medical psychotherapy procedures are an essential step in treating addictions, and at the same time, this kind of therapy gives excellent results and is something that distinguishes Dr Vorobjev clinic from other world clinics.

Medical psychotherapy includes the following procedures:

IBOGAINE – Ibogaine procedure is crucial for solving the problem of psychological addiction. Treatment with Ibogaine is the most effective method when it comes to treating psychological addiction. Ibogaine affects the receptors on two main neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine. They are responsible for the feeling of happiness, self-confidence, and are also crucial when it comes to the impact of heroin, cocaine, and other opiates.

THC AVERSIVE PROCEDURES – These are special procedures for forming the negative reflex and aversion to psychoactive substances. This procedure uses pharmacological substances to create physical aversion and disgust towards the narcotic the patient uses.

Dr Vorobjev - Addiction Treatment Hospital - Psychotherapy

PHARMACO-HYPNOSIS – The aim of this procedure is psychotherapy work at the subconscious level. The procedure is carried out while the patient is asleep, and its main effect is to reduce the desire for drugs.

PROMETA SWISS PROTOCOL – This is a special type of program that affects neurotransmitters, creates the neuromediator balance in the brain, and deepens the understanding of drug problems.

Medical psychotherapy at Dr Vorobjev clinic

Our clinic employs world-renowned doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists who have proven themselves in the field of treating addictions and generate fantastic results.

Dr Vorobjev clinic is distinguished by its long-standing tradition and reputation, and our experts are continually improving themselves and gaining new knowledge and skills in the field of treating addictive disorders. That is why there is a way out and solution to every kind of addiction.

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If you have a question for us about addiction or mental disorders, please fill out the online form so that the specialists of hospital Dr. Vorobjev can give you the best answers.