What Is Depression
Depression is a mood disorder in which a person loses their interest in daily activities with a continuous feeling of low mood and sadness. It is normal for a person to feel depressed occasionally. If you feel depressed for more than 2 weeks, you could be suffering from depression.
Depression is a common mental disorder. It can be mild, moderate or severe. Severe depression can lead to suicidal thoughts but it is preventable if appropriate support is provided.
Statistics show that almost 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression.
Types of Depression
Feeling low sometimes is normal but a low mood for more than 2 weeks can be diagnosed as depression. There are many types of depression, some of them are:
- Major Depression
- Seasonal Affective Depression (SAD)
- Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)
- Premenstrual Depression
- Peripartum Depression
- Psychotic Depression
- Atypical Depression
- Situational Depression
- Treatment-resistant depression
Causes of Depression
Depression can interfere with a person’s daily routine activities, social and personal life, and interests. There are many factors that can cause depression. Some of the main causes of depression are:
- Prolonged stress
- Child abuse
- Violence in school
- Death of loved ones
- Family violence
- Problematic relationships
- Family breakdown
Risk factors
- Family history of depression
- Drugs and alcohol abuse
- Continuous stress
- Sexual abuse history
- Sudden life changes
- Dysfunctional family
- Social impairment in youths
- Females
- Long-term illnesses
- European ethnicity
- Older adults
- Sleeping problems
- Steroid use
How Is Depression Syndrome Diagnosed
Blood tests are not useful in the diagnosis of depression. A good conversation with a patient and asking screening questions about depression is the main tool in the diagnosis of depression. Some main points that should be checked in diagnosing depression are:
- Low mood and sadness for more than two weeks
- Signs and symptoms of depression
- History of risk factors
- Causes of depression
- Ask a series of questions that evaluate the mental, physical and psychological behavior of the patient
- Physical examination to check the overall health of the patient
There are special diagnostic scales, after which the doctor can diagnose depression in a patient.

Symptoms and Signs of Depression
Signs and symptoms of depression are a major tool in diagnosing depression. Depression symptoms can be:
Behavioral Symptoms
- Loss of interest in life
- Eating problems
- Irritable and intolerant behavior
- Sleeping more
- Anger outbursts
Psychological Symptoms
- Continuous sadness
- Anxiousness
- Sleeping problems
- Pessimism
- Feeling empty
- Suicidal thoughts
Physical Symptoms
- Slowing of physical movements of the body
- Tiredness
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Headache
- Body and joint pain
- Back and limb pain
- Sleeping problems
- Chest pain
- Fatigue and early exhaustion
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Sexual problems
Treatment Options for Depression
There are many treatment centers for depression available to provide treatment. Dr.Vorobjev Clinic is one of the best clinics that treats depression. Some of the types of treatments for depression are:
Medical treatment
Medical treatments for depression are useful if used along with psychological therapy. Some of the medicines that are used to treat depression are:
- Antidepressants
- Antipsychotics
- Mood stabilizers
Other Therapies
Relaxing techniques, exercises, morning walk, acupuncture therapy, yoga, meditation, etc.
Psychotherapy treatments for depression are the most useful therapies for depression. It includes the following techniques:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy This helps the patient to turn negative thoughts into positive ones and change the behaviors that are affecting their daily lives. This is the best treatment for severe depression.
- Interpersonal therapy This therapy addresses poor interactive and interpersonal conflict issues with other people that contribute to the development of depression.
- Family therapy In this therapy, family plays an important role by giving a positive, soothing, and comfortable environment to the patient that helps in the treatment of depression.
- Group interactive therapy This therapy gives a confidence boost to the patient in a group and diverts the attention of the patient away from depressive and negative thoughts.
- Psychodynamic therapy This therapy helps the patient to understand the cause of their emotions and turn negative thoughts and behaviors from the past into positive ones.
- Dialectic behavioral therapy This is the latest therapy that helps patients to accept the negative past and acknowledge that behavior and convert it into a useful perspective.
- Social therapy Social therapy helps the patient to develop healthy social relationships with other people in life.
Inpatient Treatment vs. Outpatient Treatment
Depression is a complex psychological disorder, but it is treatable. Treatment must take place at a good clinic like Dr. Vorobjev Clinic. The patient can be treated as an inpatient or outpatient depending on the severity of the disease. Some pros and cons of inpatient and outpatient treatment are:
Outpatient Treatment for Depression
- The patient is not admitted to the rehabilitation center.
- They are seen between the hours of 08:00 and 14:00.
- The patient is able to return home.
- They can go about their daily business.
- The patient feels liberated, which helps their mental health.
- The patient can enjoy the company of close friends.
- The patient can relax with friends and family.
- The patient gains from this treatment by having their friends and family participate in social and family therapy.
- The cost of therapy is reduced because the patient is not admitted to the rehabilitation center.
- The patient’s mental health is strengthened by this therapy.
Inpatient Treatment for Depression
- The patient must be admitted to the hospital.
- The patient is under a doctor’s supervision 24/7.
- The patient cannot leave as soon as they want.
- Instead of concentrating on their daily activities, the patient can focus on their treatment.
- Higher rates of patient safety and therapeutic success.
- It’s possible to stay away from negative and depressive friends that expose the patient to depression.
- Patients can avoid dysfunctional households that fuel anxiety and melancholy.
- Patients can give their therapies their undivided attention.
- Because the patient is still under the supervision of medical specialists, any difficulties can be managed quickly, but hospital admittance increases the cost of treatment.
- The patient feels supported by the presence of people who are familiar with their illness.

Process and Stages of Depression Treatment in Dr.Vorobjev Clinic
Dr.Vorobjev Clinic offers the most effective and best treatment for depression. These are the stages of treatment:
1. Depression Diagnosis
The patient provides a history of their depression, including the severity and length. Their medical history, and signs and symptoms are used to diagnose depression. Blood or urine samples may be taken to diagnose co-occurring addictions in alcohol and drug users.
2. Depression Medical Therapy
Following diagnosis, the patient receives medication as part of a multidisciplinary treatment plan to treat the depression.
3. Psychotherapy
All the types of psychotherapies are available at Dr.Vorobjev’s clinic. This is one of the best depression treatment options. It benefits the patient by encouraging conscious action in the fight against depression.
4. Physiotherapy
In addition to medical and psychotherapy, physiotherapy is provided to make the patients feel healthy and pain free.
5. Post-Treatment Plan and Follow-Up
Dr.Vorobjev Clinic provides patients with a post-treatment plan and follow-up. It supports the healing process after the patient leaves the clinic.
Is It Possible to Get Rid of Depression on Your Own?
Depression can make your life miserable if you give up but with willpower you can fight depression on your own using different methods. There are some important tips to get rid of depression:
- Set a life goal
- Following a good daily routine
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Exercise daily
- Morning yoga and meditation
- Take responsibility
- Get enough sleep
- Try new things
- Start a hobby
- Avoid negative thoughts
- Stay in touch with family and friends
- Try to have fun
- Avoid drug intake
- Avoid alcohol
If fighting the illness on your own doesn’t help, then your condition is more severe and you need the help of a doctor to deal with depression. Go to a clinic that treats depression to get you back to living a normal life.
Average Duration of Treatment for Depression
The typical period of depression therapy solely depends on the extent of the depression, the time they had depression, and the patient’s own willpower to beat the condition. According to research and statistics, it might take a depressed person from 3 to 5 weeks for initial improvement and about 6 months to properly overcome the condition.
Effectiveness of Depression Treatment
A criteria to evaluate the efficacy of depression treatment:
- Improvement in the patient’s personal health
- Decrease in the symptoms
- Improvement in social interaction
- Enhanced safety for the public
The treatment is regarded to be effective if these things get better over time.
Cost of Depression Treatment
These are the factors that affect the price of depression treatment:
- The degree of depression
- The length of time it will take to treat it
- The type of facility
The greatest facility that offers therapy at a moderate cost with the most amenities and qualified staff is Dr.Vorobjev Clinic. Depending on your needs, treatment cost could range from 5,500 €.
Dr.Vorobjev Clinic has the best and most professional doctors from all over the world. We provide a multi-professional treatment plan for depression to patients. This helps them to come out of the vicious cycle of depression. The doctors include:
- General medicine
- Reanimatologists
- Anesthesiologists
- Occupational therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Psychotherapists
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
Patents and Certificates
Dr.Vorobjev Clinic is a Drug, Alcohol & Addiction Counselor Certification (DAACC) accredited clinic with the best and most talented multi-professional team to counter the vicious cycle of depression.
- Robert Taylor
„Skilled professionals and wonderful accommodating people! Thank you for returning to health and self-confidence!!!.“
- Nikolas Johnny
„Hi everybody! I was staying in Dr. Vorobjev clinic for 7 days. I feel much better now and I’m now on outpatient treatment. Positive experience. Everybody is really nice and patient. I’m recommending this clinic, go and try, you have nothing to lose.“