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As the end of December approaches, most people like to look back at their achievements. We did it and felt immense satisfaction for our previous year was full of business success and met expectations. On this occasion, we organized a celebration at beautiful Filmski Grad restaurant.
Celebration at a gala restaurant in Košutnjak
We wanted nothing but the best for our to experts as they earned it by their efforts and dedication. That is why we chose Filmski Grad restaurant, which offers flawless high-level service. All employees of both clinics in Belgrade, VIP Vorobjev and Dr Vorobjev, were present at the celebration. Dr Vorobjev clinic director warmly welcomed all of them wishing an even greater success in the coming years, and his speech in Serbian was taken with excitement.
All guests enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere and business successes that marked this year as there is nothing more beautiful than acknowledging own work and sharing experiences with others. Only with teamwork and joined forces can great things in the field of recovery from addiction be achieved, and our clinics are excellent examples of this.
Winning a prestigious Quality Award in New York
We are pleased to inform you that we have won the prestigious Quality Award for 2018, which was one of the reasons for the celebration. Although it came as no surprise given the amount of effort made and dedication we show in treating addictions, we cannot say that we were not happy. Getting this award testifies to innovation and constant improvement of work within our clinics. We follow the global trends in treatment as we know that this is the only way to accommodate the most diverse patients and their needs.
To many patients, our clinics have become a synonym for shelter, a place where they can be cured and rehabilitated. We want this to remain in the future and always offer professional help and a reason to persevere on the path to recovery. Faith in oneself and own recovery is best restored in a safe and protected environment, and with our help, the life of addicts can be changed radically.