Neurometabolic therapy

Long-term use of high doses of addictive substances leads to devastating effects on the central nervous system. It is here that neurometabolic therapy enters the scene.

Neurometabolic therapy stimulates the synthesis and utilization of oxygen and glucose and increases the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate when ischemia and hypoxia develop by more than 19 times. Neurometabolic preparations contain 30 percent of organic substances such as peptides, amino acids, nucleosides, lipids, oligosaccharides, and microelements (sodium, magnesium phosphorus, calcium). Therefore, the transmission of glucose from the blood into the telencephalon increases up to 50 percent.

The combination of neurometabolic therapy, specific therapy, and psychotherapy leads to an improvement in the condition in more than 85% of people with various mental problems in less than four weeks.

Neurometabolic therapy - hospital for the treatment of addiction - Dr Vorobjev

Improvements after the use of neurometabolic therapy

The following improvements are noted:

  • Reduction in intensity and complete disappearance of headaches, dizziness, insomnia, feelings of fear and restlessness;
  • Improved memory and concentration;
  • Reduction or complete removal of disorders of higher nervous activity.

Neurometabolic therapy has multiple benefits. It primarily reduces the nutritional deficit and improves neural connections.

Neurometabolic stimulants have the following effects:

  • Nootropic activity (improvement of higher mental functions – improved self-criticality, thinking, attention, speech);
  • Mnemotropic effect (memory and learning abilities improvement)
  • Improved clarity of consciousness (reduced weariness and prevention of eclipse of consciousness);
  • Adaptogenic effect (strengthening the body’s resistance in extreme conditions);
  • Antiastenic effect (decreased symptoms of asthenia – debility, fatigue, exhaustion, mental weariness, depression);
  • Psychostimulatory effect (higher activity and resistance to stress, lower anxiety, criticality to own condition, better psychomotor functioning);
  • Antidepressant effect (bringing back life motivation, stimulants, clarity of consciousness, easier finding of adequate solutions to problems);
  • Sedative or tranquilizing effect (decreased irritability and emotional hypersensitivity);
  • Positive effects on the peripheral nervous system (correction of the consequences of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, encephalopathy, epilepsy, and the effects of intoxication).
Dr Vorobjev - Neurometabolic therapy - hospital for the treatment of addiction

Indications for neurometabolic therapy and conditions in which it can be applied:

  • Long-term intoxication by psychoactive substances, psychological distress and behavioral disorders that arise as a result of alcoholism, drug addiction, pill addiction, and polydrug abuse;
  • Schizophrenia, schizotypal and bipolar disorder;
  • Organic changes associated with metabolism resulting from diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, injuries and mood disorders;
  • Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders;
  • Disorders resulting from physiological factors – insomnia, anorexia, drowsiness, sleepwalking, bulimia;
  • Personality disorders (psychopathy) and mental retardation.

Contraindications and conditions in which neurometabolic therapy is not recommended:

  • If patients have allergies
  • If patients show negative reaction to some therapeutic components.
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