When the topic of addiction is brought up, besides alcoholism, we believe that cannabinoid addiction is often mentioned and the subject of many discussions. Many people think that cannabinoids are not addictive, but the truth is quite different. In this text, we will make an effort to explain what this substance actually is, how harmful it can be, and how to treat it.

Cannabinoids Addiction Treatment

What are Cannabinoids, and why is it addictive?

Many people immediately think of marijuana when cannabinoids are mentioned, but this is not entirely accurate. Cannabinoids are compounds that can be of both natural and synthetic origin, and they activate cannabinoid receptors that exist in humans and animals. These receptors, in conjunction with cannabinoids, influence various psychophysical functions—motor skills, decision-making, learning, memory, fear, anxiety, pain, emotions, and more. Perhaps cannabinoid addiction is not talked about enough, so people may not be aware of all the risks involved.

When we talk about addiction, cannabinoids are undoubtedly among the most widespread substances, which has led to the creation of synthetic cannabinoids abuse. There are different types of cannabinoids: phytocannabinoids, which are present in the cannabis plant. Over 80 types of cannabinoids have been isolated from this plant, each having a specific effect on the human body. On the other hand, synthetic cannabinoids are produced chemically in laboratory conditions. The widespread use of cannabis has led to the development of these chemical compounds that mimic the effects of addiction.

We are here for you 24/7—let addiction become a thing of the past.

What are the signs and symptoms of Cannabinoid addiction?

People who use this substance often believe they are not dependent and do not need to quit cannabis. This type of addiction is a very serious problem that many people struggle with.

However, long-term use quickly leads to dependence.

If you or someone you know is struggling with cannabinoids, specifically consuming this substance in excessive amounts, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. This addiction is becoming increasingly common in today’s world.

At Dr. Vorobjev Clinic, we treat all types of addiction.

Behavioral signs

This kind of addiction exert their effects in various ways—ranging from psychological and physical symptoms to changes in behavior. Often, this is discussed in terms of amotivational syndrome, characterized by a lack of interest, care, and attention toward one’s surroundings. Additionally, behavior indicating cannabis dependence is reflected through:

  • Inactivity
  • Insomnia
  • Appetite issues
  • Increased talkativeness
  • Disinterest in what is happening to them or around them
  • Fatigue

The aforementioned are just some of the signs of cannabinoid abuse.

Symptoms of Cannabinoid use

Cannabinoid addiction can open the door to the use of opioids, psychostimulants, and alcohol. It is well known that various psychoactive substances have existed as long as civilization, but the second half of the 20th century saw an expansion in cannabinoid abuse. At the same time, various synthetic compounds emerged, with effects that are harmful to psychological and physical health. Symptoms of this kind of addiction, as well as drug use in general, can include:

  • Increasing use of substances
  • Worrying about always having enough of the substance
  • Spending money on substances
  • Using drugs despite being aware of the negative health consequences
  • Legal problems
  • Risky behavior – stealing, lying, deception
  • Avoiding responsibilities and social activities
  • Changes in habits and lifestyle

What are the side effects of Cannabinoids addiction?

Cannabinoids can exhibit unwanted effects both after the first use of the substance and with long-term use. Although cannabinoids are associated with feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and uncontrollable laughter, they can often cause:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Panic attacks
  • Hallucinations

Short term effects of Cannabinoids addiction

Cannabinoid dependence has consequences for the psychological and physical health of patients. Early detection of the signs of cannabinoid abuse is essential for effective treatment and recover.

In addition to all the previously mentioned difficulties, cannabinoids users face both short-term and long-term effects. Short-term consequences include:

  • Short-term memory loss
  • Odd behavior patterns
  • Paranoid behavior
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Slowed reaction times
  • Inability to distinguish between imaginary and real
  • Slowed and impaired coordination

Symptoms of Cannabinoids overdose

Although it’s not very common, cannabinoids overdose can occur, and some symptoms of cannabinoid abuse include:

  • Extreme panic attacks or severe anxiety
  • Chest pain
  • Extremely rapid heartbeat
  • Skin color changes
  • Hallucinations
  • Increased blood pressure

If you have any of the symptoms of cannabinoid abuse, see a professional right away.

Long term effects of Cannabinoids addiction

On the other hand, long-term consequences develop in users over time, which are noticeable both psychologically and in their behavior:

  • Depression
  • Impaired ability to think, learn, and solve complex tasks
  • Increased risk of opioid addiction
  • Financial problems
  • Bad behavior at work

Cannabinoid abuse symptoms can be very pronounced and should not be ignored.

How and why does this kind of addiction start?

Cannabinoid abuse and the gradual development of dependence involve a process occurring in our central nervous system. Our bodies contain endocannabinoids and receptors that are activated by the intake of cannabinoids. Over time, similar to any addiction, increasing amounts of the substance are needed to achieve the same effects, and if the person stops using it, withdrawal symptoms emerge. When experiencing withdrawal symptoms, most addicts are focused on how to obtain their next dose.

Overdose on cannabinoids is not uncommon, and acute cannabinoid intoxication can have very serious health consequences, including acute psychosis, delirium, significantly reduced awareness, and in severe cases, kidney function impairment and hyperthermia. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of cannabinoid abuse is crucial for early intervention. Cannabinoid addiction is very dangerous and should not be taken lightly.

Cannabinoids Addiction Treatment

What is the treatment for Cannabinoids addiction?

Since cannabinoid addiction involves both psychological and physical aspects, successful cannabinoid addiction treatment must focus on comprehensive recovery, addressing both mental and physical health. Treatment for cannabinoid addiction at Dr. Vorobjev Clinic includes a program consisting of several phases. It is important to establish a precise diagnostic picture of the patient, achieved through a series of tests—biochemical blood analysis, urine tests, tests for hepatitis, HIV infection, and an internal medicine examination. Based on the results, an individualized treatment program is developed, which includes pharmacotherapy, Neuro Jet therapy, and intensive psychotherapy. Treatment for cannabinoid abuse also involves medications to regulate disrupted sleep, manage depression, and detoxify the body from the effects of cannabinoids.

These procedures address the physical aspects of treatment, while psychotherapy and education aim to address and neutralize the psychological dependence. The treatment period includes inpatient care in the hospital for two to three weeks, followed by outpatient treatment and monthly check-ups over the course of a year. Through work with a psychotherapist, the patient receives support and motivation to successfully complete the treatment. Remember, symptoms of cannabinoid abuse should not be ignored. Addiction is treatable, and we can help you overcome this issue for good.

How to start treatment of Cannabinoids addiction?

This kind of addiction treatment begins with recognizing the problem and assessing the harmful consequences for the health and life of the addict. It is important to seek professional help from doctors and specialists experienced in synthetic cannabinoid physical addiction. Based on the duration and intensity of the addiction, as well as the patient’s overall health status, an optimal cannabinoid addiction treatment program is established. For a successful treatment process, open and honest cooperation between the patient and the medical team, as well as trust in their decisions, is crucial.

Сost of Cannabinoids addiction treatment

Before the patient arrives for treatment for addiction, you or someone close to you communicates with medical consultants. All information regarding the program, treatment methods, procedures, and therapies can be obtained from them. When it comes to the costs of treatment for this addiction, it is the medical consultants who can provide precise answers to this question.


At Dr. Vorobjev Clinic, our doctors will ensure that your recovery from cannabinoid addiction proceeds in the best possible way. Our doctors are among the leading experts in their field, with decades of experience behind them. Cannabinoid addiction requires very complex treatment, and at our clinic, we create a personalized program for each patient based on their mental and physical condition.

If you or someone you know is struggling with cannabinoid addiction, call us—we are here for you 24/7.

Patents and certificates

The doctors at our clinic continually work on improving their skills and use the knowledge gained from conferences they attend to advance the treatment of cannabinoid abuse.


Frank S.

“Cannabinoid addiction is a serious issue. I never thought I could become addicted to cannabinoids, but it happened and started to affect my family. When I decided to get treatment, I looked online and found Dr. Vorobjev’s clinic. I immediately decided to go there. Their addiction treatment program is excellent, and I would recommend it to everyone. Cannabis addiction is treatable, remember that!”

Janko S.

„I had a problem with addiction, and I wasn’t even aware of it. People, this kind of addiction is a serious issue – don’t wait. I heard about Dr. Vorobjev Clinic from a friend who also treated his cannabinoid addiction there. Thank you to the doctors for helping me finally recover and for making addiction a thing of the past.”