What is methadone detoxification?
When methadone is abused, traces of the substance start to build up in the body. Over time, this leads to addiction and insensitivity to the effects of the substance. The resulting methadone addiction withdrawal syndrome can be very severe, causing a plethora of negative symptoms. To avoid methadone withdrawal, detoxification needs to take place, where psychoactive substances get eliminated from the body.
Methadone detox protocol
Depending on the medical history of the patient, length of methadone use and the doses used, doctors can evaluate the condition of the patient and determine the appropriate detoxification method. This must include a complete medical assessment, symptom management, constant monitoring and support during the procedure. This not only reduces the risks of complication, but it significantly improves the chances of making a full recovery.
Indications for the procedure
When a person develops dependence on methadone or a heavy methadone addiction, detoxification is a necessity, along with other procedures that lead to a drug-free life. Detoxification from methadone should ideally be conducted under medical supervision, as abrupt cessation or unsupervised detoxification can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms and potential health risks.
With a proper medically supervised detox, withdrawal from methadone becomes controllable and once it is complete, it becomes possible to focus on removing the mental urge for drugs.
In certain situations, it is necessary to approach detoxification with caution. Here are the main contraindications for this procedure:
- Respiratory difficulties
- History of seizures
- Pregnancy
- Dual diagnosis
- Cardiovascular conditions

Rapid and Ultra-rapid methadone detoxification techniques
Detoxification is a necessary part of every methadone withdrawal treatment, but there are some differences between the different detox methods. At our facility, rapid and ultra-rapid detox procedures are used most commonly. In the rapid detox process, patients receive medication and vitamins that help them to remove methadone from the body. It can be completed in a matter of days.
On the other hand, ultra-rapid procedures include putting the patients under sedation, where the medical team monitors the implementation of therapy around the clock. As a result of the sedation, it is possible to use stronger medication and other substances that cause a faster release of methadone compared to other methods.
Methadone detox process
In order to avoid the negative signs of withdrawal from methadone, most detox clinics for methadone addiction, including our facility, insist on inpatient stays during this procedure. Doctors who are well versed in dealing with addiction know the best ways of how to detox off methadone and they follow a set of procedures that guarantees the best results and patient safety.
Most of the time, in order to avoid methadone withdrawal, patients get placed under sedation, while the psychoactive substances are eliminated from the body. This is considered the safest method of detox, as it significantly decreases methadone withdrawal negative symptoms, meaning that it is not as taxing on the body as some previously used forms of detox.
Preparing the patient for methadone detoxification
Prior to starting a rapid methadone detox, patients have to undergo a complete checkup, where their vital parameters are closely monitored. They also take tests that show their overall health, which helps the doctors to determine the appropriate therapy. Once that is cleared, they can start the procedure.
Is it safe to detox at home?
If a person tries to perform self-detox, it becomes impossible to avoid methadone withdrawal symptoms. Because of this, it does not matter how long does it take to detox from methadone as even attempting to perform such actions can result in severe negative symptoms that can be life-threatening. If you are facing methadone addiction, the safest way to solve it is by contacting medical professionals who specialize in rehabilitation.
Methadone detox time
When this procedure is performed at some of the methadone detox centers, the overall detox time is much faster. Not only that, but it is important to mention that using this method also eliminates methadone withdrawal symptoms, making the whole process much easier to manage. When rapid detox off methadone is used, the patients begin to see what life without methadone feels like in a matter of days.
Methadone detoxification symptoms
While it is true that the only way to remove methadone from the body is through detoxification, there are still some difficulties that come with it. In the case of self-rehab, it is practically impossible to avoid the methadone withdrawal symptoms. Still, even in a medical detox from methadone, the following symptoms can happen:
- Flu-like symptoms
- Body aches
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Sleep disturbances
- Sweating

Benefits of rapid methadone detox
When the toxins are quickly eliminated from the body, patients begin to recover at an improved rate. Furthermore, methadone detox under sedation is beneficial because patients receive medication through infusions, thus helping the body to completely avoid the negative methadone withdrawal symptoms.
How long does it take to detox from methadone in this way? Well, that depends on each specific case, but generally speaking, one rapid methadone detox procedure usually takes a couple of hours. Usually, just one procedure is enough, but when necessary, this form of detox can be repeated up to 3 times before all traces of methadone are eliminated from the body.
Addiction treatment after the detox process
After the completion of detox from methadone, patients begin to feel much better, and all signs of withdrawal from methadone are nearly erased. However, in order to create a stable psychological structure, all patients who come to our clinic go through many more procedures.
This allows them to address all negative sides of addiction, such as psychological trauma or any existing medical conditions. That is why we always claim that the detox off methadone is just the first step that leads toward a healthy life. Many methadone detox centers neglect the importance of psychotherapy, but we believe that this part of the treatment can play a vital role in long-term recovery, so we pay special attention to it.
The cost of Methadone detox
At Dr Vorobjev clinic, methadone detox is only one part of the treatment. Therefore, we can only give you information about the costs of the whole treatment. Call us today to find out more details about our conditions of stay.
Our team of well-respected doctors monitors the patient during the inpatient methadone detox and the entire rehabilitation process, making sure that everything runs according to plan. If necessary, doctors can slightly modify the therapy to fit the patient’s needs.
Patents and certificates
We have developed a specific medical detox from methadone that ranks among the best in the world. Many of the procedures we use are developed in the clinic and we proudly hold a patent for those methods.
- Jeffrey K.
„I was looking for the best way to detox from methadone when I stumbled upon this clinic. Just by looking at the video testimonials of their patients, I knew that this would give me the best chance for a sober life. Fast forward to the present day and with their help I am now free from methadone. Coming here was such a rewarding experience. Thank you all!“